When I think about how far we've come and all the pain (emotionally and physically) we have gone through in defeating Olivia's illness, it makes me feel like it was the toughest and longest 6 months of our lives. Ironically though, it can't believe 6 months is over, like it was just yesterday when we found out she was sick. Throughout the first 6 months, Olivia was hospitalized 5 times, had a few bone marrow aspiration, numerous spinal taps, regular chemotherapy, had gone through all the discomforts of chemo and had lost her hair. It may be summed up in 1 line, but going through the journey was something more. A lot of learning and through all of it, we come out stronger everyday. We are definitely stronger than cancer. Olivia is our champion!
When Olivia was diagnosed, the doctors told us that she will be going through treatment for 2 1/2 to 3 years. I'm hoping for the 2 1/2 years instead of 3 but I would go for whatever will make sure her cancer doesn't come back.
The picture below was taken exactly a year ago today when we had an early celebration of Olivia's birthday. She is so excited this year for her birthday to come. Our family calendar has this month dedicated to her with all of her pictures and as soon as we flipped the page, she just jumped up and down showing her excitement!
We'll surely make this another memorable birthday for her again!
Olivia is currently on a 2-week chemo break with regular check up for blood counts. Her recent blood counts showed low hemoglobin count at 7.9. It was not that low to get transfusion though. If it fell at 6 and below, that's when she would need transfusion. Her ANC fell below 500 again and is considered severely neutropenic. She goes back tomorrow for her next blood count. If all is well, her next phase of chemo (Interim Maintenance II) will resume next week.