Saturday, April 18, 2015

Enjoying the simple things

Olivia got through the 1st week of daily intense chemo and she is doing good so far! The first day was a little bit rough, but the rest of the week she was fine. She enjoys having her Lolo and Lola (grandparents) go with her when she gets her treatment.


And here she is goofing around with dad.

She still has a lot of energy and whenever she's up to it, we bring her to the park.

We were told that we would start noticing her getting weak again and blood counts dropping within the next week or so due to all the chemo she's been getting. I've seen it happen before but every time it is different. As I was looking back at her pictures 3 weeks ago, it's unbelievable how her appearance can drastically change when things are not going well. We are now again making the most out of the better days. As far as other side effects, she has developed some rashes outside her mouth but doctors said that if she is not complaining about it and if there's no fever, then there's nothing to worry about. It also looks like she's experiencing foot drop again. Once in a while she complains about her leg and stomach pains, but it doesn't seem like it was as bad as before. Overall I can say that she is doing pretty good.

I don't know exactly what to expect within the next few weeks but we are preparing ourselves for it by making her have all the fun now so that when the bad days come, she can think of it as her happy thought and have something to look forward to as things get better.

1 comment:

  1. Glad she is doing well! I hope you get to go out and enjoy this beautiful day!

    Miss Brittany
