Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My little caterpillar

Today Olivia asked me to use a pony tail on her hair. I told her that she doesn't have a lot of hair yet but that it's starting to grow again. She said nothing is happening to her hair but after explaining to her a few times, she understood it. She eventually got excited about her hair growing back.

This is her today, very fond of crawling like a caterpillar.  It made me think that even though she has gone through a lot as a toddler,  she is still like a caterpillar, waiting to get out of her cocoon and explore all the wonderful things in store for her. One day she will grow up and look back at this blog and see how brave and strong she was. She might not remember all of what she has gone through, but her courage and strength will always remain as an inspiration for all of us.

P.S. Yes, she is still wearing the same princess dress from yesterday even after bath. She really loves it so I just let her wear it.  She is a little bit sensitive nowadays and so I try to pick my battles :)

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