Monday, October 17, 2016

Home now

Olivia was sent home yesterday afternoon. Her ANC went from 200 the other day, to 230. It's still low, but at least it's trending up. She was so happy and excited to see her family!

No further tests were made from the bleeding that happened the other night. Her counts were good and the doctors can't find a reason why she would bleed that much.

Olivia will be on chemo hold until her counts go back up. She is scheduled to go back on friday for bloodcounts. The doctors changed one of her medication, bactrim, which is an oral prophylactic medication that protects her from getting pneumonia.  They changed it to a different medicine which is now an IV push every 3 weeks. They are thinking it's possible that bactrim is contributing to neutropenia and they would rather change it to something else so Olivia doesn't have to miss a lot of her chemo dose. From what I understand, the replacement medicine is slightly less effective than bactrim. But since we are at the final stretch, the doctors are probably weighing what's best for Olivia. With the 3 episodes of neutropenia in the past 4 1/2 months,  Olivia has missed a lot of doses of chemo.


  1. So glad to hear all is well! Sorry you had to go through that nasty scare! I can't begin to imagine what you and the family are going through. I pray that many blessings will come your way.
