Saturday, December 24, 2016

Last IV chemo

Yesterday was a special day!  Olivia had her last Vincristine (chemo through IV)! It's the best Christmas gift ever! All her blood counts are at its best too! Her ANC is 4,000+ and her HGB 10!
From now thru Jan. 9 she will continue to be on her oral chemo meds and then she will be completely done with treatment.

When we asked Olivia what her wish for Christmas is, she said she just wants her brother to be happy. Throughout the 2 year+ course of treatment, the 2 of them have been having a hard time dealing with the side effects of her meds (mostly the mood swings from her steroids - dexamethasone). Our 6 year old son has been looking forward for this day and if you ask him, Olivia being done with treatment is his only wish so that Olivia will always be happy. We feel so blessed with our kids!

Olivia has so many nicknames but we call her Liv/Livi most of the time. And now we realize how much her name fits her so well. She is so full of life. In her very young age, she is LIVing a life with so much love to give and thinks of others before herself. She is our miracle. Everyday is a blessing! 
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

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