Olivia had a 101.4 fever earlier today and so I had to rush her to the hospital. She was examined by her doctor and everything seems fine except for her fever. Anytime she gets a fever, she will automatically be admitted and be given IV antibiotics. I am so happy we have a great medical team. We were attended to right away and she got hooked up on her line so fast.
They are also running blood tests to see if there is any bacteria. Bacteria or no bacteria, antibiotics is a must. They also want to see her blood counts. Usually if it is just the fever, we could be discharged in 48-72 hours as soon as the fever goes away. But if her blood counts are low, the doctors will approach it a different way. Not sure yet what that means. All I know is we'll be here longer if that's the case. I was reminded again to take one day at a time. As of right now, we are still waiting for the blood test results.
One thing I learned today is to always be prepared with a grab bag. Just like when I was pregnant, we had the emergency bag. You just never know when Olivia needs to be rushed to the hospital.
Hope that bacteria goes away real fast. Just kick it real hard livi! Feel better soon. Always in our prayers.