Thursday, December 11, 2014

Waiting it out

Second blood culture came back negative as well. She does have a viral infection. As mentioned in my previous post, as long as she has a fever, they will check regularly for any bacterial infection. For now, it's just a waiting game for the virus to run through its course. For someone who is not immunocompromised, viral infection can last up to 10 days. For an immunocompromised like Olivia, it could be longer. We keep praying she'll fight that infection really fast so we can finally go home.

Her spinal tap procedure is a go for tomorrow. All her chemo continues even though she has a viral infection. She has such a strong body. Keep fighting Olivia!

I heard Santa might come visit tomorrow! Hopefully we get to see him! Olivia's been keeping herself busy with a bunch of donated toys from a generous organization. Once a month the children's hospital chooses an organization that can hold a party here and give toys to the kids. Too bad Olivia had a fever so we were not able to attend the party. They came around with a cart full of toys though so that kids who cannot attend can still get presents. There is also an art therapy in the hospital which we were so excited about! I showed Olivia's "perfect love" painting to her childlife specialist and had recommended us the art therapy. We'll be meeting with the person in charge hopefully today to schedule some sessions for Olivia.

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