Sunday, January 15, 2017

Officially done with treatment

Olivia is officially done with treatment! Jan 9 was supposedly her last day of 6MP but when she went to the hospital for a follow up visit, the doctors said there was no need to do bloodwork. It was fine not to take the last dose of chemo. Even if she took blood test, I don't think her ANC would have been high enough anyway. Whenever she has an episode of fever & neutropenia, it takes about 2 weeks for her body to recover. Sometimes even longer.

Her final chemo was officially on December 30. I can't believe it's been 2 years and 2 months to be exact! We thank everyone who have been part of this journey. We went through a lot and we couldn't have done it without your prayers and support.

This week she us scheduled to come back to the hospital for a dose of pentamidine. It's the last time she will be accessed through her port. When I asked her what she will not miss the most, it's the part where she is accessed through the port. I told her that the doctors will be taking it out soon! Nothing is scheduled yet, but hopefully in the next couple weeks she will have her surgery to remove her port.


  1. praise the Lord! i share your hopes and joy!

    1. Thank you for always being there for and with us since the beginning. We hope to meet you one day.

  2. This is amazing news! Way to go Livi! Thank you for sharing her/your journey with me. Many blessings to Olivia and the family!

  3. Super, all the best for little Olivia. My daughter will finish in September. Could you tell me did they do BM test on end? How often will you visit clinic after treatment? How often they will be checking bloods? Thank you

    1. Thank you! You are almost there too! I'm happy for you and your daughter. I asked about the BM test in the end but they said they don't usually do it anymore. Olivia will be getting bloodwork once a month for the first year post treatment.

  4. Hallelujah!!! Hope she doesn't need to spend a day in a hospital in her life. Bless you all and stay healthy!

  5. I'm so happy for Livy ! She is truly the bravest little girl I know. Sending my best to all of you. <3

  6. Hi there. My name is Amy and my daughter Aishi was in the same class as Olivia way back in Miss. Kelly's class. I have been following your post and praying for Olivia. Your family is such an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing your journey. I'm so happy for her!!!

    1. Thank you Amy! I just mentioned Aishi to Olivia. She is very excited to go back to school!
