Thursday, November 13, 2014

Good mood today

Olivia seems to be in a good mood today! She still had some moments but for the most part of the day, she was cheerful and eager to play with her toys! This makes me so happy because the last few days all she wanted to do was to lay down and watch TV.

We started with water color painting. She looked bored in the beginning, but she started to get more energy afterwards.

She picked her chores too! Something to get her excited everyday. Examples of the chores she chose were : read a book, go potty, eat veggies. She gets a star every time she does her chores, and gets a reward at the end of the week! (Thanks to our reward closet sponsored by family and friends!)

She even played "Teacher" and taught me subtraction using her play doh's !
Watch this video ->Learning math through play doh

Tomorrow morning we are scheduled to go to the hospital for her weekly chemo through her port. Every time her port is accessed, the nurses put a needle on her chest and through her portacath. We were given a numbing cream that we need to apply 30 mins before going to the hospital. It will be easy to tell her it's just lotion, but she's a smart girl. I'm nervous that soon she will associate it with going to the hospital and getting a needle inserted in her. Hope all goes well tomorrow!

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