Thursday, November 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday

I was looking at Olivia's old pictures the other night and I cried remembering the day of her diagnosis. I felt the same feelings I had that day...anger, denial, confusion and sadness. I watched her videos from school and saw how happy she was dancing and playing with her friends. Even though we have slowly accepted this challenge in our lives, I still get these sudden moments of outbursts. All these mixed emotions and what if's play in my mind. But the best part of it is that it always ends with the feeling of hope. This is a disease with a cure and this type of leukemia (ALL) has a good prognosis especially in her age. I just have to continue to have faith. I ask all our prayer warriors out there to continue to pray with us for strength to get through this. The overwhelming support and prayers we get give us this incredible strength to get us through each day. One day at a time. That's what I learned from a mother who has gone through the same situation we are in now.

Here is Olivia 6 months before diagnosis.

Here she is 2 months before diagnosis.

And here she is about 3 weeks before diagnosis.

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