Sunday, November 2, 2014

So far so good!

It's been 3 days after Chemo treatment started. We're so happy to hear some good news from the doctor today! Olivia gets blood tests done 3 times a day. So far we are seeing some positive results! The doctor said that her blood counts are looking good and it seems that she is responding well to the chemo. Thank you God! We are still monitoring her blood pressure since it is still higher than her normal.

With the chemo kicking in comes the moodiness associated with it. We understand that's part of the side effects and we are being extra patient with her. She does have her moments and so every time I see her smile, I try my best to capture it!

Here is Olivia watching some YouTube videos. She found out there's a Queen Elsa version of her baby dolls. (She has baby Cinderella and baby Snow White in her current collection from Lola). This brought the biggest smile on her face today!

Olivia loves chocolates, and appreciates the cookies Auntie Patty made for her! She was nibbling only on the chocolate chip and not the actual cookie =)

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