Saturday, December 24, 2016
Last IV chemo
Friday, November 25, 2016
Last spinal tap; 2 years in remission
Today was a great day! Olivia's last spinal tap! I told her last night that it will be the last time she will have to be put to sleep for a procedure. She was so happy and excited! She even did the honor of pushing the syringe that put her to sleep.
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Never Ever Give Up |
Friday, October 28, 2016
Chemo day ; 2 years post diagnosis
Olivia had her Vincristine today and her blood counts today showed improved results. Her ANC started to go down a month ago at her last Vincristine chemo. At that time, she was taking 100% dosage of her oral chemo. We now notice the pattern that when her dosage goes back to 100%, that's when her counts go down. When she has an episode of fever and neutropenia, her dosage is taken down by 50% of her usual dosage. However, she cannot start the oral chemo unless her ANC levels are at least 750. I have also noticed a pattern that it usually takes 2 weeks for Olivia to recover from neutropenia and get her counts back up. This month though, it took her 1 month to recover. She began this month with 844 ANC and it plummeted to 80 after a couple weeks. We had to pull her out of school again after 1 1/2 months of being back. Today, her ANC results were at 1700+! She is now back to taking oral chemo (6MP and Methotrexate), but starting with 50% dosage again until her counts show consistent good results.
As Olivia was being examined by her oncologist, I mentioned to him that it was exactly 2 years ago today when Olivia was diagnosed. It's hard not to recall all the things we have been through for 2 years. The doctor had a great point though. He wanted me to look the other direction - that in 3 month's time, Olivia will be done with treatment! It's definitely something we are all looking forward to!
Friday, October 21, 2016
Still Neutropenic
Olivia had her blood counts today and she is still neutropenic. We didn't get the exact ANC count but doctor was estimating it to be somewhere in the 100's. For the past 2 days, she has been having low grade fevers during early evening, but then goes away naturally. We took her to the ER again when her temperature reached 101. But once we got there, her temperature came down and normalized. Since it was low grade fevers and knowing that she was just admitted recently, doctor adviced to just monitor at home. Her blood cultures were negative too which is good. She still has the cold though so that's probably why she's been getting the fever. Her hemoglobin dropped again to 8.6. When she was discharged last Sunday, it was at 10.5. Though it came down, it does not require blood transfusion. For now, we wait again until the blood counts next week.
I can't help but question why just now? She is almost done with treatment with less than 3 more months to go. For about 1 year she was so healthy and didn't require hospitalization or blood transfusion. The past 4 1/2 months feels like she is in active chemo again. Maybe her body is really taking the toll on all the chemo she's been taking for 2 years. At the end of the day, I am just thankful that she was so healthy for the past year. It could be worse. We still feel blessed. I know she is such a strong and brave girl. She is a fighter. I kindly ask for prayers that she recovers soon so she can be back on track with her protocol.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Home now
Olivia was sent home yesterday afternoon. Her ANC went from 200 the other day, to 230. It's still low, but at least it's trending up. She was so happy and excited to see her family!
No further tests were made from the bleeding that happened the other night. Her counts were good and the doctors can't find a reason why she would bleed that much.
Olivia will be on chemo hold until her counts go back up. She is scheduled to go back on friday for bloodcounts. The doctors changed one of her medication, bactrim, which is an oral prophylactic medication that protects her from getting pneumonia. They changed it to a different medicine which is now an IV push every 3 weeks. They are thinking it's possible that bactrim is contributing to neutropenia and they would rather change it to something else so Olivia doesn't have to miss a lot of her chemo dose. From what I understand, the replacement medicine is slightly less effective than bactrim. But since we are at the final stretch, the doctors are probably weighing what's best for Olivia. With the 3 episodes of neutropenia in the past 4 1/2 months, Olivia has missed a lot of doses of chemo.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Hospital day 4
Olivia has been fever free for a few days now. She is still coughing but other than that, she is active and playful. Her ANC continues to go up. It was 80 when she was admitted, went up to 136 and 200 yesterday.
Last night was one of the scariest night we've ever had. Olivia woke up at 4 am and asked to blow her nose. Before I even got the tissue, she started crying. I turned around to see her drenched in blood. Her nose was bleeding profusely, her mouth overflowing with blood. It was pretty traumatic. She was not coughing nor blowing/picking her nose for it to cause the bleeding. The doctors and nurses came in to help right away. One of the resident doctors wanted to transfuse with platelets immediately but the oncologist wanted to have CBC done first. Interestingly, all blood counts came back good and were even better than the other day. They even did another test to see how long it woult take for her platelets to clot. I learned that even though platelets are normal, if it takes longer than normal for it to clot then there's a problem. That test came back good too. Platelets were normal and so they didn't have to transfuse. We were all just surprised why she would bleed so much if her platelets were good. It was a LOT of blood. The bleeding went on from both nose and mouth for about 20 mins non stop. I'm glad this happened here than at home or I wouldn't know what to do.
Yesterday we were told Olivia might be able to come home today if her ANC continues to go up. We are still waiting for today's results.
With what happened last night, I'm not sure if doctors would want to do tests and we would have to stay here longer. It is very dry here in the hospital which I think is the culprit for the nose bleed. But what still baffles me is why she would bleed so much.
Will post updates later.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Hospital again
Olivia was admitted again yesterday after spiking a fever of 101.9. I kind of saw it coming because she would ask for a lot of water at night and that's how she was the last time she needed to be hospitalized. She was also running low grade fevers the past couple days but because it was lower than 100.3, we just needed to monitor her from home.
Blood counts from yesterday was low and she needed blood transfusion. Her hemoglobin was 5.9 (Her normal is 10 to 11). The transfusion happened last night and today we've seen improvement in her hemoglobin. This morning her HGB is 8.6. Her ANC didn't really show improvement from yesterday. It's the lowest it has been at 80 ANC post diagnosis. The good thing is that she is 24 hours fever free. As usual, her ANC needs to go up before she can get home.
She is keeping herself busy with her new Cinderella outfit, thanks to Spirit Halloween for the event they had at the hospital! She is asking when she will come home and I always just explain to her what's going on like I'm talking to an adult. She gets it and I'm proud of her.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
Maintenance Cycle 6
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Chemo resumes
After 3 weeks on chemo break, Olivia's blood counts finally normalized and is now back on her chemo regimen. Her ANC is now 1520! Yay! But because she has had 2 episodes of fever& neutropenia, the doctors had to take down the chemo dosage to about 60% of what she normally takes. Her blood counts will also be closely monitored. Until she goes back to 100% of the dosage, she will have to get regular check ups and blood work every 2 weeks now instead of once a month. When her blood counts show consistent good results, only then will she be back on her normal dosage.
I'm hoping she adjusts well with chemo after taking a short hiatus.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Neutropenic again
Olivia had her blood counts done yesterday, 1 week after being discharged from the hospital. She left the hospital last week with an ANC of 544 (normal is 1500). We were hoping that by this time her counts would go up to the thousands since the last episode, her counts went back up within a week. Surprisingly her counts went down again. Though her red blood counts are good, her ANC is now down to 288. She looks pretty healthy and active though so we don't want to worry too much. We are actually surprised that she has been eating well even without the appetite boost from her steroids. She has been on chemo hold for 2 weeks now and because her counts are still low, chemo will continue to be on hold until we go back for another blood count next Friday. Sometimes I don't know how I feel about chemotherapy. It's good that it kills cancer cells but I don't like that it also damages the good cells causing her blood counts to go down. I worry that if she is not getting the dosage she needs as part of the protocol that there is higher risk for a relapse. At the same time I wouldn't want for her body to continue getting these toxic medication if it would mean her health is jeopardized.
Olivia's last fever/neutropenia episode made her stop chemo for 2 weeks. I remember that when she started chemo again, we noticed that her body had a difficult time adjusting to chemo again. Especially with the steroids where mood swings were really bad. This time we know for sure that her chemo is on hold for at least 3 weeks. I just hope her body would adjust fairly well once chemo resumes. Praying that her counts go back up to the thousands next week.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Home at last!
Olivia was finally able to come home on Friday night! Though an ANC of 544 is still considered neutropenic, she is on the right track and will only get better in a few days. She is scheduled for a follow up check up next Friday to see how her ANC levels are. Her oral chemo will continue to be on hold until we know the results of her blood counts next week.
Based on what we were told the last time Olivia was hospitalized, it takes 2 episodes of fever/neutropenia before the doctors lower the dosage of chemo. We will know more next week if there will be a change in Olivia's protocol.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Day 6 at the Hospital
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Medical update
Other than that, she has been in good spirits and very motivated to get better so she can see her baby sister. She is so proud to be a big sister, telling everyone at the hospital about her baby sister. I haven't seen Olivia for 2 days now since giving birth. It's been tough not being there for her, but I know she's a fighter. Thanks to technology, we still get to see each other through face time.
I hope blood counts tomorrow morning will show improvement.
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Olivia's reaction after seeing her baby sister |
Monday, July 18, 2016
2nd episode - fever/neutropenia during maintenance
Olivia is back at the hospital on a Sunday early morning. She had a 101 fever and was coughing. She was also noticeably tired and pale the day before. It turns out her blood counts dropped, with an ANC of 100 (Normal is 1500). Her red blood count was also low at 6.8 and therefore needed blood transfusion. It was a very similar episode of last month when she was last hospitalized. It wasn't that easy to get the transfusion this time because she was running a fever the whole day. She couldn't get the blood transfusion if she has a fever. It hasn't been 24 hours yet but so far her blood culture is still negative from a bacterial infection. Finally at around 10 pm on sunday night, her temperature normalized and was able to get blood transfusion.
It was a hectic day for all of us. All this happened the day before I was scheduled to give birth. It really was like being thrown a curve ball with little time to react to the turn of events. Luckily with family close by, we had put a plan in place. I know we've had worse days than this. This I know we can handle. I trust God he is with us during this trial.
Olivia didn't want to let me leave last night but I told her I had to go to my hospital to get her baby sister out. She smiled and got excited. Looking forward to better days ahead when we are all home.
Friday, July 15, 2016
1 year in Maintenance
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1 year ago - last day of chemo before maintenance |
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Olivia 1 year later |
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Maintenance cycle 5
Olivia had her blood work done last Thursday and we're happy to report that her counts have improved a lot from last week. Her ANC is now back to 1100. Still below normal, but a big jump from falling below 200 last week!
She had her scheduled spinal tap yesterday, Friday and all her chemo regimen is now back to normal. It was a good week off chemo, for both my husband who administers the meds and specially for Olivia. No fasting for a week (she fasts daily for her meds) made it easy for all of us.
As I was talking to her doctor after the spinal tap procedure, she was surprised to know that last week was just Olivia's first episode of fever & neutropenia since maintenance started and we are already in cycle 5. I guess that's a good thing. It's sad to know that it happens more often to other kids. I think about all the other kids always and I know each and everyone of them are a fighter in their own ways. We'll get through this!!!
Olivia is getting into the habit of helping the doctors with the injections and this time, she helped out injecting her anesthesia. She had no idea what she was taking in although she was saying she is going to outerspace! She was really hungry before the procedure but couldn't eat anything until after spinal tap was done. When she woke up, she was happy to have her favorite froot loops!
Friday, June 3, 2016
Home at last
Olivia was able to get discharged today at around 8pm. Her blood counts are still low, no improvement from yesterday. But because she had no more fever, the doctors let her go home so she can attend her uncle's wedding. It made her so happy! Not once did she complain when I told her we have to stay at the hospital for a few days. She understands. When she was told she can go home, she cried happy tears. As soon as she got home she asked to practice her flower girl walk!
We just need to be very careful because she's prone to infections due to low ANC. She'll be wearing her mask and will be taking a lot of rest during the wedding. The doctor said if she develops a fever, we will need to bring her back to the hospital right away. Her infection was most likely viral because the blood culture was negative from bacterial infection.
We also asked the doctor about Olivia's hair loss because she lost so much hair the past few days. She said even at maintenance phase, she will still lose hair but she won't get bald.
All chemo is still on hold. Olivia is scheduled to come back on friday next week for blood counts to see if she is ready for chemo again.
After bedtime prayer tonight, Olivia said she was so happy to be home. God is good all the time!
Day 3 at the Hospital
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
1st hospitalization since last year
Friday, May 27, 2016
Dealing with mouth sores
Olivia developed some mouth sores recently which is a common side effect from her chemo meds. She has some on her lips and a lot on her tongue. The ones on her lips bled a bit yesterday and now the sores on her tongue is causing her pain and discomfort when eating.Trying to feed her soft food while her mouth sores are still not healed. She loves eating pretzels though, but it will hurt her more if she eats hard food. Hopefully it heals soon.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Birthday chemo
Yesterday was chemo day and Olivia was surprised with toys! Just like last year, she was able to spend her birthday with her nurse friends. As always, she was so brave the whole time getting chemo. No crying at all!
Her blood counts were good, although her ANC is slightly below normal. (1100 vs 1500 normal count). I was told not to worry too much about it and to let her enjoy her birthday weekend.
Olivia is almost a year and a half in remission. In about 9 more months, she is done with treatment! I can't believe how much time has passed by already. Last year we had a small celebration for her birthday since she was still undergoing intense chemo treatments. This year, we planned for a big party for her and she is so excited! She deserves nothing but the best!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Chemo day
Friday, March 25, 2016
After chemo glow
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Olivia 2 days after Chemo (Maintenance cycle 4) |
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Olivia 1 week after chemo |
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Maintenance cycle 4
Last Friday Olivia began cycle 4 of maintenance. She had chemo and spinal tap. And as always, she was so brave all throughout. She was tired before we got to the hospital and so she was sleeping for the most part while waiting for her procedure to be done. I got a bit worried because she had increased heart rate while the spinal tap was happening. She was breathing heavily even with oxygen support (she was sedated the whole time). Olivia looked flushed so her temperature was checked which could be a reason for the increased heart rate. Her temperature was good though and the nurse kept on monitoring her until she woke up.
That afternoon, the doctor gave us good news that her blood tests show that her liver function count has improved! A few minutes later the doctor emailed and asked for a number she could reach us at. Then we got nervous. We never got that kind of email before. She did say it was nothing urgent to worry about. But of course we still couldn't stop worrying. We found out that her glucose levels were low (glucose count 27). Doctor said there's different reasons why her glucose will be low. But as long as Olivia looked and acted fine, there's nothing to worry about. Chances are she was on fasting for a longer period of time than usual that's why her glucose was low. She needs to fast everytime she has a spinal tap procedure. There was a delay at the hospital that's why her procedure was done later than usual. I read about low glucose online and Olivia showed no symptoms that we should worry about.
A lot of worrying today but I'm glad everything is fine. Olivia's back on steroids and her appetite is fast increasing again! Only kids on steroids get a pass to eat chocolates for breakfast!
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Update on liver function
We went for Olivia's scheduled check up on Thursday. I expected to have blood work to be done, but after being examined by the doctor, he said there's no need to. They would rather do it in 2 weeks when she is scheduled to come back for her spinal tap procedure. One less traumatizing needle poking for Olivia.
She was back to her cheerful self, no enlargement in the belly area, no complaints of pain which made the doctor decide to not check blood count this week. He did say that her liver enzymes has been fluctuating. Many years ago, this level of increase would be a reason to stop chemo for a certain time but recent studies show that they don't need to. I asked if there is a long term effect to her liver and the answer is no. He said the liver is one of the greatest organs in our body because it can recover on its own. I still pray though that her liver enzymes don't go higher than it did.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Quick check up
Friday, February 19, 2016
Monitoring liver function
Yesterday was chemo day and Olivia decided to come in her doctor gear. The night before, she was playing doctor with me and I was acting scared of the injections. She told me to be brave just like her! She could be a great doctor one day!
All her blood workfrom yesterday were normal except for a 5x increase in her liver function number (ALT count). Doctor is suspecting it might be due to her increased dosage of one of her chemo (methotrexate). She started to increase dosage probably 2-3 months ago and it was based on her weight. We will have to come back in 2 weeks for more blood work to monitor her liver function. For now, we were advised to keep the dosage the same at home.
Hoping and praying everything will be ok.